Committee Info

The Clarkson Republican Committee is made up of good, local residents working toward a common goal. We support fiscal responsibility, keeping taxes low and meeting the needs of our residents.

Clarkson Republican Leadership
Tom Guarino, Town Leader
Ursula Liotta, Chair
Al Hoy, Treasurer
(Vacant), Secretary
Sharon Mattison, Sunshine Fund

Town of Clarkson's Elected Republican Officials
Christa Filipowicz, Supervisor
Patrick Didas, Town Board
Tom Guarino, Town Board
Al Hoy, Town Board
Jackie Smith, Town Board
Leslie Zink, Town Board;
Susan Henshaw, Town Clerk (appointed)
Bob Viscardi, Highway Superintendent
Ian Penders, Town Justice
Christopher Wilcox, Town Justice

Jackie Smith, Monroe County Legislature

The second Wednesday of each month at the Clarkson Courthouse at 6 PM.

If you are a Republican and thinking of joining, come to a meeting and check it out. Get involved! Help is always appreciated and there is much to do - including fundraising, passing petitions, meeting neighbors, campaign events and supporting our Republican candidates.
